About five months after I moved into the Jamaica basement apartment as his roommate, Barry decided--since he was getting bored with his dead end job as a delivery truck driver in the States, felt his economic opportunities in the post-affluent U.S. economy of the 1970's were limited, and was also not involved sexually with any "chick" in the USA and no longer had any U.S. "chicks" in his "bull pen"--that he was going to join his father and live in Israel/Palestine again, despite having previously felt somewhat culturally alienated from most Israeli youths during his previous time living in Tel Aviv. And after Barry moved from Queens to Israel/Palestine again (although unlike many Palestinians who could not move back to Israel/Palestine despite being born there, Barry had been born in the USA), I was able to live in the Jamaica basement apartment for about five more months without having to share the space with any male chauvinist roommate.